Nothing Is Certain Anymore—Nothing, That Is, But God’s Love by Pastor, JD Greear
We are living in times when nearly everything we thought was certain is suddenly uncertain. But in the midst of that uncertainty, one thing remains: If you turn to God, you never have to wonder what he thinks of you or if he’s going to help you with your worries, big or small.
It goes without saying that this season has brought on for many of us a new set of worries:
How long will we be dealing with COVID-19? How long will these government restrictions last? What’s going to happen if I or someone I know gets sick? Will my parents be OK? How long am I going to be out of work? Will life ever return to “normal” again?
David Platt says Proverbs 12:25 depicts worry like extra weight you have to carry around: “Anxiety in a man’s heart weighs him down” (ESV).
Imagine you’re going through life with a backpack on, and into it goes everything you’re worried about. When you’re getting ready for college, you wonder if you’re going to get in the right school. *Boom, added weight.*
You worry you are stuck in a job you can’t stand. *Boom, added weight.*
You’re afraid you can’t avoid divorce, like your parents. *Boom, added weight.*
You wonder if you’re going to have enough money to retire. *Boom, added weight.*
And kids, of course, bring a whole new set of worries: whether or not they’ll do well in school if they hang out with the wrong crowd or date the wrong person. What if they need braces? Are you going to have enough money for that? If not, does that mean they’ll have crooked teeth for the rest of their lives? Maybe your kids will be jobless because of their messed-up teeth. Then they’ll live with you for the rest of your life.
*SO MANY added weights*
Each of those worries adds an additional weight to that pack you’re carrying around—some of them are 5-pound weights, others feel more like 100-pounders.