COVID-19 Has Exposed This Toxic Spirit in the Church

COVID-19 Has Exposed This Toxic Spirit in the Church by JOHN BURTON for Charisma News

All it took was a health scare to expose a negative spirit in many American Christians.

“A joyful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones” (Prov. 17:22, ESV).

It saddens me quite deeply to see a famously strong American people have their spirits so easily and thoroughly crushed by our recent crisis. However, the reaction of the American people pales in comparison to how disappointing the response of many Christians is. Faith-walkers have surrendered that distinction for one of nervous caution. Walking by sight and not by faith has been the nearly instantaneous shift many have adopted as an invisible enemy has threatened their safety.

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Of the weapons God has provided for us to win battles and counteract the assaults of the enemy, I wonder if joy just may be among the most supreme. Instead of scouring the internet in search of the perfect mix of vitamins, supplements, essential oils and unproven medicines to combat a medical threat, the Word of God states clearly that joy is the good medicine we need!

Social Media Reveals a Lot

It’s telling when believers in Jesus are posting nonstop everything negative, threatening and discouraging they can find, most of it from the compromised liberal media. This toxic negativity is doing great damage to many, and it must stop immediately.

 That which goes into the mouth does not defile a man, but that which comes out of the mouth, this defiles a man” (Matt. 15:11, MEV).

Continuing to spew fearful statistics, hyped news reports and other information without clearly communicating that we as the children of God are victorious overcomers and that we will fight this giant in joyful, fearless faith, it is defiling to us. Speaking or typing out dread, nervousness, hypercaution, worry or fear does great damage to our spirits. It crushes us. It crushes many who are hearing or reading our dire reports as well. Instead of ministering life, hope, faith and victory, too many believers are pawns in the enemy’s hands, messengers of pending disaster.

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