My Light and My Salvation…

My Light and My Salvation…

Psalm 27 NKJV begins

1 The Lord is my light and my salvation;
Whom shall I fear?
The Lord is the strength of my life;
Of whom shall I be afraid?

If these words are true then what does that mean to people? If these questions – especially the first – are, in fact, ask in the rhetorical the second half would be absolutely rhetorical. Try it out and see what happens. The Words begin to breathe life into our hearts. The Words are no longer living on a screen but coming to life, with Truth and Light, inside of us.

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Once we begin inviting the Holy Spirit to walk with us, what happens? Do we believe this is a living, breathing entity or is it some mystical, imaginary “thing” that only exist in our mind?

There are stories coming out of the Middle East, China and all across Africa where people are having dreams of Jesus coming to them, walking with them and interacting with their lives. As one might imagine this is having a profound impact on the individuals lives, especially since most of them are Muslim. As these stories grow so do the stories of oppression, slaughter and other horrific acts committed against anyone or anything to do with Jesus Christ, the Holy Bible or Christianity.

Who is our Light and Salvation? Do we actually believe this? In what ways does it show in our lives?

There are two things that one must do in order for this Truth to shine through their life – to walk in the presence of the Lord at all times – two things…

4 One thing I have desired of the Lord,
That will I seek:
That I may dwell in the house of the Lord
All the days of my life,
To behold the beauty of the Lord,
And to inquire in His temple.

When we see the beauty of the Lord in all things, in all people and in all situations the filters before our eyes begin to clear. The scales begin to flake and fall away. When we do this “All the days of our life” our lives begin to align with His will.

Imagine if a question is slightly turned. A question that most, if not 100% of us ask as a child – “Why is the sky blue?” Let’s turn it toward God and ask again. What is it that You want me to know about the sky being blue? It is no longer a “why” question but has been turned inward to a “what” question. “God, why did you take Mom, (Dad, Brother, Sister, Friend)_______ ?” Turned towards God could sound something like – “What is that You, Father God, want to teach me to accept, to understand, to know, to see, to believe about the passing of my ________?”

We keep looking for, and accepting, an inch when our Father God is trying to give us a mile. What is it that makes us accept the small instead of waiting for the Lord to deliver the Kingdom?

14 Wait on the Lord;
Be of good courage,
And He shall strengthen your heart;
Wait, I say, on the Lord!

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