How One Church In India Provided More Than 3 Million Meals During the Pandemic by Michael L. Brown for Ask Dr Brown
The story is remarkable, to the glory of God. It is a story that needs to be told. But first, for some background.
I first met Satish Kumar in Hyderabad, India, in 1995. He was a young man, fairly new to the ministry, and at the very beginning of his journey.
When we next met, in 2015, he was pastoring the world’s fastest growing church, having exploded from 25 to 130,000 members in just 10 years. (I was there to witness the miracle firsthand.)
Now, Pastor Kumar informs me, they have 8 church satellites with a total membership of 330,000. This alone is a story to tell.
But that is not why Pastor Kumar contacted me on May 22. Instead, it was to share a video with me that told an amazing story of compassion and provision. (Please take three minutes to watch here. You won’t be disappointed.)
Pastor Kumar explained to me that about two months ago, he heard the Lord say to him, “Store food.”
He was concerned about the wellbeing of his congregants during the pandemic, and he thought of how God used Joseph in Egypt to store food in preparation for a coming famine. And with the lockdown getting more severe and many of the poorer congregants not even having access to a grocery store, this could be a matter of life or death.
Pastor Kumar thought to himself that, perhaps, they could store up about $100,000 worth of food, and he shared this with his leadership team.
But then he sensed he was thinking too small. Ultimately, he felt that the church was to gather and store 700 tons of food – in other words, one million, four-hundred thousand pounds of food. Where on earth could they obtain so much food?