Mass. Governor Targets Churches For Shutdown Rules He Didn’t Apply To Home Depot

Mass. Governor Targets Churches For Shutdown Rules He Didn’t Apply To Home Depot By  for The Federalist

Massachusetts Gov. Charlie Baker took it upon himself to make the salvation of our immortal souls constitutionally subordinate to the authority of the government. This is wrong and illegal.

On March 23, Massachusetts Gov. Charles Baker declared a public health emergency relating to COVID-19. He created a list of businesses and organizations he believes provide “essential services” and ordered all non-essential businesses to cease in-person operations. Constitutional freedoms derived from the Bill of Rights are not among the list of essential services, including the freedom to worship according to our consciences.

In Massachusetts, I can stand in a line of 200 people at a liquor store to buy a bottle of Maker’s Mark, but I am not afforded the same reasonable accommodations in the same-sized building across the street to receive the Sacraments of my salvation as a practicing Roman Catholic.

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Last week, a federal judge in Massachusetts ruled that Baker “had no jurisdiction” to exclude gun shops from his list of “essential services,” stating that doing so “infringes on people’s rights to buy a firearm.” Judge Douglas Woodlock approved a preliminary injunction against the state, which went into effect on May 9.

Numerous governors have made similar rules that discriminate against natural rights, and they are being rightfully challenged in the courts. Last Friday, U.S. District Judge Gregory F. Van Tatenhove issued a temporary restraining order against Kentucky Gov. Andy Beshear for his enforcement of bans on “any in-person religious service which adheres to applicable social distancing and hygiene guidelines.”

Sacraments Are More Important Than Mortal Life

The banning of in-person religious services presents a spiritual crisis for 1.8 million Roman Catholics in Massachusetts affected by Baker’s executive orders. The properties of Catholic Sacraments cannot be received through the television or other media sources. They must be received in person.

Through apostolic succession, Catholic priests have the power to confer Sacraments that contain properties of the Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity of Christ. Without the reception of the sanctifying grace contained in Sacraments, Catholics are deprived of spiritual food necessary to fight off temptations to engage in the commission of mortal sin.

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