‘We Are Guided by the Science’: British Govt Shrugs Off Responsibility For Open Borders, No Arrival Testing

‘We Are Guided by the Science’: British Govt Shrugs Off Responsibility For Open Borders, No Arrival Testing by OLIVER JJ LANE for Breitbart

GNN Note – Just keep screaming – “Science and data” all the while not following, reading or having policies reflect “science and data”.


The United Kingdom is practically alone in not limiting or monitoring international arrivals during the coronavirus pandemic but when challenged on this oversight the Home Secretary abrogated her own responsibility, insisting the decision had instead been taken by the scientists, apparently absolving the government from having to defend its record.

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Speaking on British television Wednesday morning, Home Secretary Priti Patel was asked by Good Morning Britain host Lorraine Kelly about the situation at the nation’s unguarded borders, which have frequently compared unfavourably of late to the domestic lockdown where resident Britons have been placed under police-enforced curfew.

Kelly told the minister: “you say social distancing is here to say, but we’ve got this ludicrous situation in our airports right now which seems utterly bizarre, mind-boggling… there’s no checks, no tests, the safety of airport workers is paramount. People could be bringing coronavirus in from countries like America, Asia, parts of Africa, and we’re not testing them and we don’t seem to be doing anything about this. It seems utterly bizarre.”

Giving the cabinet’s standard reply, that the democratically elected government was no longer making decisions on how to run the country, but apparently wholly outsourcing that to appointed scientists, Mrs Patel attempted to shrug off any responsibility for having to answer the question. The Home Secretary said: “you mentioned temperature checks, and testing  and things of that nature. We are guided by the science, and the science has told us that would not work.”

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