Revival, Awakening and the “New Idea”…
The past two weeks it has been almost impossible to escape the concept or idea of a great awakening. What is happening around the world with the Christian movement?
God, who delivered His only begotten Son, Jesus Christ as the Truth, the Way and the Life, is stirring something that has happened in, maybe, a hundred years or more.
The past year or more there have been three of us to meet on Friday mornings to pray, dive into the Word and grow closer together in brotherhood. This stopped when the onslaught of martial law. What has taken it’s place over the past few weeks is another prayer time, with another brother, spending time with Jesus Christ in a completely different way. This is drawing Jesus closer, softening the heart a little more and lighting a fire than has been smoldering for the past seventeen+ years.
The dream God placed on my heart was a pivotal moment. The days to follow were significant for a completely different set of reasons. After trudging deeply through the Steps of AA the “spiritual experience” began to awaken, the second birth was taking shape. People in the meetings described it, on a number of occasions, as a “pink cloud”. While the language being spoke was new, they understood every word.
These same people said that it would go away. What if they had said to dive deeper into the “pink cloud”? What if they had shouted from the roof tops that another brother had come to the Light and was experiencing God instead of being “ho-hum” about the whole thing? What would happen if Christian churches began celebrating with feasting, song and joyous praise as another person came to Jesus Christ, experienced the Holy Spirit raining down into their life and absolutely transforming their lives? What would happen to the Christian movement?
If a person believes in their heart-of-hearts that Jesus Christ is who He says He is, accepts Him and all the promises and lives in those promises what does that mean to the average person? What would happen if hundreds of thousands of Christians went through the Steps of AA, cleared the debris blocking them from God and began experiencing the Holy Spirit raining down on their lives as so many people have experienced after going through the Steps?
We are seeing God’s people awaken all around the world and they are, in fact, shouting from the roof tops, feasting and singing joyous praises from morning till night. What will it take for them to be seen, heard and encouraged to continue living in the Light?
Acts 2 NKJV
6 And when this sound occurred, the multitude came together, and were confused, because everyone heard them speak in his own language.
7 Then they were all amazed and marveled, saying to one another, “Look, are not all these who speak Galileans?
8 And how is it that we hear, each in our own language in which we were born?
12 So they were all amazed and perplexed, saying to one another, “Whatever could this mean?”
13 Others mocking said, “They are full of new wine.”