How Can I Keep Praying When God Doesn’t Seem to be Answering? (Podcast)

How Can I Keep Praying When God Doesn’t Seem to be Answering? Podcast by Pastor JD Greear for Summit Church

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“How Can I Keep Praying When God Doesn’t Seem to be Answering?” Luke 11:1–9

We are all asking the question, “When are we getting back together?” As you know, Governor Cooper has extended the stay-at-home order until this Friday, May 8. After that, there is a process of easing restrictions involving three phases–and we fall into phase three–which means we’re not back together for at least several more weeks.

All that to say, we simply don’t know. But here’s what I can assure you: our directional elders and our staff team are working hard to make sure that when we come back, we’re ready. We will be taking extra precautions for sanitation and the appropriate social distancing measures to make sure we keep our congregation and our larger community safe, but also to make a Summit gathering feel like a Summit gathering.

You’ll hear more about this in the weeks to come, but for now, just know that we’re anxious to gather together in person again as soon as it is safe to do so. Until then, we’ll do church like this, every week. As the Apostle Paul said, “Hard pressed on every side, but not crushed; perplexed, but not in despair; locked down but not knocked out.” Amen?

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