Health is wealth: 4 Medical preps you need to get ready before SHTF By Janine Acero for Prevention
You may have heard of the old adage “health is wealth,” and judging by the current global public health crisis, it may be a gross understatement.
Medical resources, just like food and water, will eventually run out, and you don’t want to get caught off-guard when this happens. Now is the perfect time to flex your prepping muscles. Here are four medical preps you must tick off your emergency preparedness checklist before SHTF. (h/t to
Preventative measures
“Prevention is better than cure” is another old adage that couldn’t be more accurate, especially in the face of a global health crisis.
Communicable diseases will become more prevalent when SHTF due to lack of sanitation and professional medical care, plus a limited amount of medical supplies. Young children, pregnant women, older adults and those with already weak immune systems are especially vulnerable to infections.
To prevent the spread of illnesses in your home when SHTF, follow these simple tips:
- Wash your hands frequently. This is especially important before and after preparing food, before eating and after using the toilet.
- Disinfect the “hot zones” in your house regularly. These are the areas that often have a high concentration of bacteria and other pathogens, such as the kitchen and the bathroom.
- Prepare food properly. Clean the counters and other kitchen surfaces before and after preparing meals.
- Don’t share personal items. Use your own toothbrush, comb or razor blade, as well as drinking glasses and dining utensils.
- Stay home if you’re not feeling well. Don’t go to work or class if you’re running a fever. Unless it’s necessary, avoid traveling when sick as well.
Eye health and oral hygiene
It’s important to keep your eyes healthy, especially when SHTF as regular checkups will be next to impossible. If you’re already wearing prescription glasses, get one or two additional pairs with current prescription lenses for backup.
If you prefer to wear contact lenses, make sure to stock a large supply of those along with cleaning solutions. You can’t afford to get an eye infection because of contaminated contact lenses especially in the middle of a disaster where medical care is limited.
You should not neglect your dental health either. Be sure to stockpile toothbrushes, toothpastes, dental floss and mouthwash. Oral care may prevent life-threatening issues, which you also can’t afford to have in the middle of a disaster.
Lifestyle habits
Keep your body physically fit to support your immune health and boost your defenses against infections and illnesses.
- Develop healthier eating habits. Stock up on fresh, organic fruits and vegetables, which boast of immune-supporting vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. At the same time, consume less processed and high-carb foods and observe portion control.
- Reserve some time for exercise. Not only can it help you manage your weight, but it can also strengthen your body.
- Quit smoking. Under normal circumstances, you may have the option of nicotine patches or gums, but in a post-SHTF world, quitting cold turkey may be your only option. You might as well try quitting as early as now.
- Don’t drink in excess. You can’t afford to have your senses muddled because of intoxication in case SHTF. Limit your alcohol intake as much as possible.
- Drugs are a bad idea under any circumstances, and just like alcohol, drugs will only give you dulled senses, poor judgment and withdrawal – none of which you can afford to have when SHTF.
Medical stockpile
Stockpile remedies and supplements, as well as extra personal medications if you or a family member are taking prescriptions for an existing condition.
Here are some notable home remedies and supplements that you should always have in your kitchen or medicine cabinet.