‘Christ the Redeemer’ Is Now ‘Christ the Medic’: Here’s How Heroic Health Care Workers Are Ministering to Patients and Families

‘Christ the Redeemer’ Is Now ‘Christ the Medic’: Here’s How Heroic Health Care Workers Are Ministering to Patients and Families from CBN News

Brazil has found a poignant way to honor health care workers fighting the coronavirus pandemic around the world. Rio de Janeiro’s iconic ‘Christ the Redeemer’ statue was lit up and dressed like a doctor for Easter.

Projections playing across the statue showed flags from across the globe with the words “thank you” in different languages. The display was designed to show gratitude and offer a message of hope to medical personnel on the frontlines of the pandemic.

“This is a homage,” says Omar Raposo, priest in charge of the Sanctuary of Christ the Redeemer. “A homage to all the health workers that are on the front line dedicated to the people that are, unfortunately, infected with COVID-19.”

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Brazil has been hit with at least 22,000 infections of the coronavirus, including 1,200 deaths. Other countries have been hit far worse, and around the globe, health care workers are being seen as heroes for their sacrificial efforts to save lives.

Rio's Christ the Redeemer statue is lit up like a doctor and with the word "Thanks" projected in Portuguese, during an Easter service, in the midst of the new coronavirus pandemic, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, April 12, 2020. (AP Photo/Silvia Izquierdo)
Rio’s Christ the Redeemer statue is lit up like a doctor and with the word “Thanks” projected in
Portuguese, during an Easter service, in the midst of the new coronavirus pandemic, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, April 12, 2020. (AP Photo/Silvia Izquierdo)

Medical workers are putting their lives on the line to help sick patients with this highly contagious disease. Not only that, many of them are ministering to the soul needs of their patients as well, since family members can’t visit their sick loved ones.

In the US, a guitar-playing nurse in one hospital has been singing ‘’Amazing Grace” outside patients’ rooms to boost their spirits.

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