How Partnering With God’s Promises Delivered This Couple’s Son From Drug Addiction

How Partnering With God’s Promises Delivered This Couple’s Son From Drug Addiction by SHAWN A. AKERS for Charisma News

When Ken and Lesa Henderson’s 16-year-old son became mired in an addiction to drugs, the only thing they knew to do was trust God for His deliverance. They knew if they partnered with God’s promise to redeem David’s life, God would come through.

He did, and after much prayer and patience, God not only broke the addiction off David’s life, but David eventually became a worship leader at his parents’ church, Salt Life Church in Merritt Island, Florida. David also leads the church’s inner healing ministry.

“God walked us through all of that. We just decided that if Satan was going to come after us, we were going after him,” Ken Henderson told Dr. Steve Greene on a recent episode of Greenelines on the Charisma Podcast Network. “So, we just started attacking on the street. We opened up a street ministry where we were feeding people in Jacksonville, Florida. We were going into nursing homes, into prisons and those kinds of places where sometimes people are forgotten.

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“In that, we were encouraged and we just knew that we were taking back that ground that we had lost. And as we did, as the Bible says, David encouraged himself in the Lord. So, when you encourage yourself and you hold on, that’s where faith works. You have to hold on with a tenacity and just hang on with faith and fight the good fight.

“Sometimes your destiny can start to look hopeless, as it is currently doing with this virus. The enemy starts convincing us that it’s hopeless, that God’s promises are never going to happen. And then, we start to doubt God’s Word. But the Bible tells us to guard our heart with all diligence, for out of it flows the issues of life.”

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