Five Easter Services to Watch This Weekend

Five Easter Services to Watch This Weekend By  for Faith Wire News

GNN Note – We would include a sixth – The Gospel Church


We all know times are weird and difficult right now. But Easter brings with it the promise of hope — the guarantee that resurrection is here. We are intentionally hardwired for good news, and there is no better news than the Gospel.

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At Faithwire, we’ve tried to highlight the good happening around the globe amid the ongoing coronavirus pandemic. It’s like a breath of fresh air, but it’s just a foretaste of what we so desperately need.

Easter is coming.

While we won’t be able to gather with one another in person this weekend, we are still free to rejoice in the promise that death — even during this crisis — is defeated.

Because Jesus lived and died a brutal death, paying the consequence for our brokenness and wrongdoing, and rose again three days later, death is no more. Though our bodies pass away, those who trust in Jesus for salvation will live eternally with Creator God.

The siren call of the nonstop stream of news has pulled our focus away from God’s sovereignty — from His pledge to use all things, including the coronavirus, for the good of those who trust in Him. God is still in control, and He’s still on the throne.

With that in mind, here are a few church services you can watch this Sunday:

Samaritan’s Purse in New York City

The Rev. Franklin Graham, an evangelist and the leader of the humanitarian organization Samaritan’s Purse, will be leading an Easter service in New York City alongside worship leader Michael W. Smith this Sunday.

Graham announced the service — which will air at 10 a.m. on Fox News — in a Facebook post Tuesday after visiting the field hospital set up in Central Park by Samaritan’s Purse.

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