What Does the Bible Say About Current Global Events?

What Does the Bible Say About Current Global Events? by LUKE HILTON for Charisma News

Did you know that the Bible talks about drought, locusts and pestilence all in the same verse? Not only that, but being healed and finding healing for our lands (2 Chr. 7:14) is directly connected to praying toward Jerusalem and the Temple Mount. Don’t take our word for it though—listen to today’s episode of the Joshua and Caleb Report podcast to find out more.

We do not get into making predictions, but we do want to share Scriptures that seems to be directly related to the world events that are happening around us. Is it coincidence that 12 top government officials in Iran have died from COVID-19, and 13 more are sick? Or that their country is being swarmed by locusts?

This is not a time to be afraid, but rather, to take action in turning toward God and His plans for world peace.

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Today’s show will bring you powerful warnings from Scripture about dividing the land of Israel. Also, we will learn about how being physically directed toward Jerusalem when joining together in global prayer can lead to healing from God. At the end of today’s show we have a special blessing from the biblical heartland that will bring you comfort in this time of turmoil.

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