Bloomberg Accused of Helping Communist China Suppress Embarrassing News Stories

Bloomberg Accused of Helping Communist China Suppress Embarrassing News Stories by JOHN HAYWARD for Breitbart

GNN Note – You’re saying a satanic globalist like Mike Bloomberg used his vast wealth, communications empire and influence to suppress information?!?!?! Say it ain’t so!


Writing at the Intercept on Tuesday, Leta Hong Fincher described herself as “one of the many women Mike Bloomberg’s company tried to silence through nondisclosure agreements,” even though she never actually worked for Bloomberg’s companies.

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Her husband did, however, and according to Fincher, Bloomberg brought enormous pressure to bear against the couple to suppress news reports that were embarrassing to Communist China.

Fincher said she was studying sociology at Tsinghua University in Beijing when her husband Michael Forsythe worked on a series of Bloomberg News reports about the tremendous wealth accumulated by Chinese leaders and their families, including the relatives of dictator Xi Jinping.

Like other visiting Western reporters critical of the Communist government, Forsythe soon found himself receiving death threats that included threats against Fincher and the couple’s two young children. Fincher said Bloomberg News told them not to say anything about the death threats pending an internal investigation, but after several months she broke her silence and mentioned them on Twitter.

Within a matter of hours, Fincher said her husband was contacted by a Bloomberg manager and told to “get your wife to delete her tweets.” She refused to do so, although she also stopped talking about the threats, fearful of antagonizing the company while she and Forsythe were dependent on his job with them.

It was another story in late 2013 that led to the couple’s most serious trouble with Bloomberg News, and eventually cost Forsythe his job. The story, reportedly fully backed by Forsythe’s editors until the last minute, once again concerned the secret finances of Xi and other top Chinese officials:

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