The Shocking Truth About The Coronavirus Is Slowly But Surely Starting To Emerge

The Shocking Truth About The Coronavirus Is Slowly But Surely Starting To Emerge by for End of the American Dream

Initially, a lot of people were trying to convince us that this mysterious new coronavirus was not much of a threat.  Those people have now been proven wrong, and the number of cases continues to escalate at a staggering rate.  We should still hope that the measures that are being taken to reduce the spread of the virus will work, because nobody should want to see this develop into a full-blown worldwide pandemic.  But at this point it has become clear that this outbreak is not going to be easy to control.  The virus spreads very easily from person to person, it can survive for up to five days on surfaces, it has an incubation period of up to 14 days, and people can spread it even if they aren’t showing any symptoms at all.  That makes this an exceedingly dangerous virus, and we will be talking about this crisis for a long time to come.

The best time to stop an outbreak is when the number of cases is still very small, but we are already past that point.

In fact, the number of confirmed cases has more than quadrupled over the last week alone.  The following comes from NPR

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China says it has more than 20,000 confirmed cases of the Wuhan coronavirus, representing a huge leap from the 4,400 cases reported as of last week. Chinese health officials said Monday morning that 2,829 new cases had been diagnosed in the previous 24 hours alone.

Outside of mainland China, nine countries or regions are reporting double-digit cases of the coronavirus, led by Japan with 20, according to a global dashboard created by the Johns Hopkins Whiting School of Engineering.

Even more alarming is the dramatic spike in “suspected cases” that we have been witnessing.  At this point, China has 171,329 cases “under observation”, and it is inevitable that many of them will eventually become “confirmed cases” in the days ahead.

Here in the United States, the number of victims is now in double digits, and we just learned that a second case of human to human transmission inside this country has been confirmed by the CDC

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) on Monday confirmed the second person-to-person transmission of novel coronavirus in the U.S., marking the tenth and eleventh cases of the pneumonia-like illness in the country.

The two cases occurred in a husband and wife in California, said Nancy Messonnier, the director of the National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases, which is a part of the CDC, during a Monday telebriefing.

During the very early days of this outbreak we were told that it was very unlikely that this virus could be transmitted from human to human.

But now we know that those that have been infected can spread it to others very easily.

And up until just recently we were told that it was very unlikely that you can get this virus by touching a random surface, but now it has been announced that this virus “can survive for five days maximum on smooth surfaces under suitable circumstances”

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