The Benefits Of Stretching And Why You Should Be Doing It!

The Benefits Of Stretching And Why You Should Be Doing It! by SARA TIPTON for Ready Nutrition

Some people are naturally flexible while others loathe the idea of stretching. But it’s actually beneficial for everyone regardless of where you are on the “flexibility scale.”

Some people are naturally flexible while others loathe the idea of stretching. But it’s actually beneficial for everyone regardless of where you are on the “flexibility scale.”

Because at least some flexibility is important, stretching is also important.  If you don’t have time to do any cardiovascular exercise, you can always stretch throughout the day, meaning there’s no excuse not to do it. Besides, we’ve all had that awful feeling of waking up after sleeping in a strange position and having a kink in our neck or a little bit of a stiff feeling in our back.  But stretching not only helps relieve those issues, but it will help improve your flexibility and keep it from happening again!

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While diet, strength training, and cardiovascular health are all important pillars of our overall well-being, flexibility seems to be left out of the equation. But it shouldn’t be!

  1. Improved Flexibility– improving your flexibility will not only help you feel less sore after strength training, but it will also decrease your likelihood of injuring yourself.  Whether you slip on the ice in a parking lot or move in a strange way while working out, if your muscles have the ability to stretch more, it’ll take more before they actually reach the point of no return.  Think of it like a rubber band.  The further you can stretch a rubber band before it breaks, the less likely you are to have a serious muscle injury. Improving your flexibility will also help you to perform everyday activities with relative ease while helping to delay the reduced mobility that can come with aging.

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