Practical Applications of The Gospel (Podcasts)

Practical Applications of The Gospel Podcasts by Pastor Ravi Zacharias How do we take what we learn from the Gospel, and make those changes in our lives? Join Ravi Zacharias today on Just Thinking, as leads a Q&A session at the University of Waterloo. Part 1 Podcast HERE >>>   Do you think interfaith dialogue is beneficial even if the parties are so far apart in their viewpoints? Join Ravi Zacharias today on Just Thinking, as he explores this question and more during a Q&A session at University of Waterloo…



4 TRUTHS ABOUT CHRISTIAN GIVING by J. I. Packer for Core Christianity 1. Christian giving is both a spiritual gift and a discipline of discipleship to our Lord Jesus Christ. What is a spiritual gift? Paul’s Greek has two label-nouns for identifying any item in this category: charisma, meaning a product of the active, communicative, redemptive divine love that the New Testament calls charis, and we call grace, and pneumatikon, meaning an expression of the life and energy of the divine person whom the New Testament calls hagion pneuma, the Holy Spirit. A spiritual…


Focusing on Expectations (Podcast)

Focusing on Expectations Podcast by Dr Pastor John MacArthur for Grace to You Podcast HERE >>> Let’s open our Bibles this morning to Philippians chapter 3, Philippians chapter 3. We return for part four of this series out of this chapter called “Reaching for the prize,” pursuing the prize. The text to which we have given our attention for several weeks is verses 17 through 21. Let me just remind you of that text by rereading it for you, Philippians 3:17: “Brethren, join in following my example and observe those who walk according to the pattern you have in…


The Father’s House (Video)

The Father’s House Video by Cory Asbury After taking a year off to rest with family, Cory is back on the scene with new projects, songs, and a deeper revelation of the Father’s heart. His newest single “The Father’s House” paints a picture of the delight and freedom that is found when we enter the Father’s house and portrays the deep message of identity and sonship in a fun and energetic way. Video Source V1 Sometimes on this journey I get lost in my mistakes What looks to me like…