The “Amputation” Approach to Changing Your Primary Story

The “Amputation” Approach to Changing Your Primary Story by TREVIN WAX for The Gospel Coalition In this series so far, I’ve laid out one of the challenges facing the church today: we affirm the public truth of the gospel but live as if another story is primary. The narrative that gives our life meaning and direction is a lesser story, not the Scriptural one. Growth in Christlikeness should mark the plot points of a Christian’s story, but Cameron views all his setbacks and steps forward in light of career advancement. The good fight against the…


Practical Survival Radio Communications

Practical Survival Radio Communications by G.H. for Survival Blog Like many families, the miles between me and my brothers are many. Fortunately, we hold a conference call every Wednesday evening to stay in touch. We have been doing this for nearly a decade. Realizing how important communications are to all of us, and from my role as the Logistics Chief for our County during major emergencies, I accepted the assignment of finding communication tools that will ensure communications no matter what. It did not take long to realize that radio…


…By Making Disciples and Multiplying Churches… (Podcast)

…By Making Disciples and Multiplying Churches… Podcast by Pastor David Platt for Radical Churches and all followers of Christ are fully dependent on God’s Word in order to carry out God’s purposes. Sadly, however, many Christians either don’t read God’s Word regularly or don’t know how to understand it rightly. In this message from Psalm 8, David Platt gives us a helpful tool for getting the most from our time in God’s Word. In order to be a faithful disciple and in order to make disciples, every follower of Christ…