Rejoicing In Our Brokenness
Are we hardwired to celebrate the victorious underdog? If you’re football fan you probably have heard about the Tennessee Titans and their two implausible victories over what were suppose to be superior teams. Well, turns out, having a big heart and working as a Team can do a lot to get a whole group of people up a very steep hill. Isn’t “climbing a hill” another view of redemption?
What we find in Luke 15 are several parables in which we see a variety of ways of looking at redemption and the joy of God that springs forth at the moment of grace. The most well known is the Prodigal Son returning home. Probably most families have experienced this situation and have there own version of this story. It’s easy to relate to our household as most of us have parents and siblings.
Are we not celebrating the brokenness that one of our family members has experienced? Are we not seeing ourselves through their eyes, through their experience which allows us to more deeply appreciate what God has done through our own lives? We get to experience brokenness at arms length while the pain, grief and ultimate joy all flow through us as the Holy Spirit fills all within ear shot of the Prodigal Son recounting his story. Most of us want the story to never end, we just want to live in the fullness of that moment when the Holy Spirit reigns down and we know that God is real and He loves us beyond measure. No one would give their child a serpent that has ask for bread. We have to be willing to humble ourselves, before God and family, verbally admit our shortcomings, verbally admit our mistakes and be willing to have God remove these defects of character.
Like 15 NKJV
21 And the son said to him, ‘Father, I have sinned against heaven and in your sight, and am no longer worthy to be called your son.’
22 “But the father said to his servants, ‘Bring out the best robe and put it on him, and put a ring on his hand and sandals on his feet.