Rashida Tlaib on Congress: ‘I Feel Insane When I’m There’

Rashida Tlaib on Congress: ‘I Feel Insane When I’m There’ By CNSNews.com Staff  for CNS News

GNN Note – Remember, we, that’s you and I, pay this ingrate $174,000 annually to spew here hatred for us. I bet you don’t get paid $174,000 TAX FREE annual income. Neither do I. Remove her from congress, strip her of all wealth, except what she brought here, and deport immediately.


Speaking at an anti-war rally in Detroit on Sunday, Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D.-Mich.) said that when she is in Congress she feels “insane.”

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“I just want you to know it is an honor representing you, but I feel insane when I’m there. I do,” Tlaib told the people attending the rally.

“But you all make me feel sane, because this is wrong,” she said.

Before that, apparently directing her words directly at President Trump, Tlaib said: “You chose death over peace. You chose death over human life. The hypocrisy of our foreign policy is unbelievable. Now that I’m a member I can see it.

They do not—completely do not—understand the connection of our future, of all the different decisions we are, of our, literally, our viability, our emotional health,” said Tlaib.

“When you do this you really hurt, literally, generations of children that will then never, ever truly understand what it means to live in a peaceful, beautiful world that doesn’t choose death, but chooses life,” she said. “It chooses peace. It chooses love.”

Here is the transcript of part of Tlaib’s speech at the anti-war rally:

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