Our Fascination with Murder and the Case for Christianity (Podcast)

Our Fascination with Murder and the Case for Christianity (Podcast) by J Warner Wallace for Cold Case Christianity In this podcast, J. Warner is interviewed by the hosts of the Centre for Public Christianity Podcast and tackles the question: Why are we all so obsessed with crime stories? Along the way, J. Warner also lays out the case for Christianity. You can visit the Centre for Public Christianity at their website. More at Cold Case Christianity >>>


What Christians are For, What Christians Are Against (Podcast)

What Christians are For, What Christians Are Against Podcast by John Stonestreet for Break Point An oft-repeated but, in my view, ultimately misguided self-critique by Christians, is that we are better known for what we are against than what we are for.  I fully agree with the spirit of the comment. As Chuck Colson liked to say, Christians should not just resist the bad stuff but always propose a better way. Today, however, that statement is too often used as a way of saying Christians should be more positive, as if Christians should…


Look for These 7 Church Trends in 2020

Look for These 7 Church Trends in 2020 by THOM RAINER for Charisma News Offering trends are a worthless exercise if they have no connection to reality. For over 15 years, I have suggested trends in churches that may become movements of reality. On an occasional basis, I review all of my prognostications to see if they came close to reality in just a few years forward. So far, my prediction accuracy rate has been almost 90%, depending on how long you allow the trend to become a reality. For…


Everything (Video)

Everything Video by Lauren Daigle Video Source Spotify [Verse 1] Even the sparrow has a place to lay its head So why would I let worries steal my breath Even the roses, You have clothed in brilliant red Still I’m the one You love more than this [Chorus 1] You give me everything You give me everything You give me everything I need [Verse 2] Even the oceans push and pull at Your command So You can still my heart with Your hand You tell the seasons when it’s time…