The Mysteries Of God Video by Pastor Erwin Lutzer for Moody Church
You are listening to The Eternality Of God sermon 1 of the series, “The Mysteries Of God.”
Psalm 90, written by Moses, discusses life itself, and while doing so, the nature of God is illuminated. God is eternal. He exists from eternity past and sits outside of the created realm of time.
Through this Psalm, we learn about God and ourselves. We also learn the meaning and purpose of life—which God gives to us.
Throughout the Scriptures, God reveals Himself—His attributes are on display all around us. In this series, Pastor Erwin Lutzer takes us on a tour filled with mysteries and questions. We will be escorted into eternity, where we’ll try to grasp God’s timeless nature and fathom His astonishing decrees and ponder the paradox of His tri-unity.