Prophecy: Holy Spirit Is Ungluing Religious Minds

Prophecy: Holy Spirit Is Ungluing Religious Minds by WANDA ALGER for Charisma News

The Holy Spirit reminded me of a word I shared almost two years ago concerning the “religious spirit” and its attack on the work of the Holy Spirit in the coming days. This religious spirit will seek to denounce the work of God’s Spirit by condemning anything that doesn’t fit the mold of man-made expectations or religious protocols.

Kanye West, an internationally known rapper and Hollywood icon, recently declared his conversion to Christ but is receiving harsh criticism from some in the church. Though his testimony seems genuine and powerful, some believers suspect it to be a marketing ploy or, worse yet, a counterfeit gospel. Where many want to celebrate this story of radical redemption, others are leery of embracing it.

It is apparent that we need to get past human reasoning and outer appearances in order to rightly discern by the Spirit. God is moving in unfamiliar territory these days and our old mindsets and expectations need to be updated if we are to embrace the revolutionary transformation God wants to bring to our culture. Many have been praying that salvation would come to the mountains of media and entertainment and we need to be prepared for what that may look like—apart from our preconceived ideas and familiar formulas.

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In February 2018, I wrote about an experience I had where the Lord told me, “Religion is about to become unglued!” Our garage had flooded unexpectedly, and two family Bibles got wet. One was over 100 years old and was a huge family Bible that served as a table centerpiece.

The ornately decorated hardcover protected much of the book, but the spine of the Bible became unglued. And though many of the pages were waterlogged, the interior words and pictures were preserved. The other Bible was smaller but also had undergone a similar fate.

As I looked at these waterlogged family heirlooms, the Lord spoke to my spirit and described a similar spiritual reality that was coming to the body of Christ. A coming flood of the Holy Spirit is going to impact many religious mindsets from the past that focused solely on outward appearance rather than on the heart. This coming work of the Spirit will forever alter the appearance of kingdom realities and will cause many religious minds to become “unglued”!

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