The Real Reason Christians Love Prophecy by JONATHAN CAHN for Charisma News
This past spring, The New York Times published an article about worldwide bestselling author Jonathan Cahn. Within the article, journalist Sam Kestenbaum explored Cahn’s ministry at Beth Israel Worship Center, his reputation as a modern-day prophet and, most notably, the modern-day fascination with prophecy.
“A charismatic preacher inveighing against imminent devastation is nothing new,” Kestenbaum writes. “America has long been fertile ground for would-be doomsday prophets, stretching back centuries.”
Cahn’s success is evidence of a strong hunger for prophetic writing and preaching. But why?
Kestenbaum quotes Valparaiso University professor of religion Daniel Silliman, who says Cahn and his ministry echo a tradition of Americans “looking to prophecy as a way to absorb the chaos” of current events.
“It can make someone feel that God is working through human history,” Silliman says, “transforming anxiety into a sense of fullness.”
In his newest instant New York Times’ bestselling book, The Oracle: The Jubilean Mysteries Unveiled, Cahn reveals the “mystery of the ages”—and even of Donald Trump, the White House and more. Cahn also opens up ancient mysteries that lie behind the current events and leaders of modern times. Throughout the book, the reader is taken on a journey of angels and prophetic revelations waiting to be discovered behind each of the seven doors—the ancient secrets that lie behind the world-changing events of modern times—and events that are yet to come.
As to the overwhelming response and success of his books, Cahn has an answer very different from that given in Kestenbaum’s article.
“There is indeed a strong hunger for such things,” Cahn says, “but that would mean nothing if there wasn’t an objective reality to the facts themselves. And the fact is that modern events are lining up with prophetic templates given over 2,000 years ago in the Scriptures. And the truth is that God, indeed, is at work in the world just as much as He was in Bible times, and there is indeed a plan and purpose to human history. I believe that the success of The Harbinger, The Paradigm and The Oracle is based on the fact that the manifestations of this phenomenon is so exact, precise and uncanny that it actually pinpoints specific dates when specific events must take place.”