Auto Insurance Coverage | Analogy To Preparedness
Auto insurance. Most states require it. Most everyone has it.
It’s preparedness for the (hopefully unlikely) possibility that you get into a car accident. Accidents cost money. Sometimes LOTS of money.
So we pay a monthly (or annual) premium for auto insurance to insure us “just in case”.
There are many similarities analogous to preparedness we discuss here on the blog. It’s a form of security, protection.
Auto Insurance Premiums
The cost varies, often widely. There are some factors that determine the range of premiums which are out of your control. A big one is where you live.
Where You Live – Makes A Big Difference
Often we have little choice in how much it costs to insure a vehicle. Why? Because much of it depends on the region where you live. It’s logical.
The higher the population density, the more you’re going to pay for insurance. Common sense tell us that the odds of an automobile accident are higher when there are more people driving cars around you.
Right now I live out in the country, far away from any major population centers. My auto insurance is the cheapest I’ve ever paid compared to the places I used to live.
The analogy to preparedness… The more people around you, the higher your risks in general. You’re going to pay more because your risks are higher – meaning, you need more ‘coverage’.
Premiums Are Higher For Younger Drivers
Young people will pay lots more for their auto insurance than older, more experienced drivers in general. Again, it’s logical.
Inexperienced drivers are going to get into MORE accidents as a general rule. So, their auto insurance is going to cost MORE.
There’s not much that can be done about that. Experience does have its rewards. Takes time…
The analogy to preparedness… When you’re getting started, and for awhile, your acquisitions and learning skills are like driving up a steep hill. It can be challenging at first. Lots to do. But when you reach the plateau, things get easier. Less expensive. You can set your cruise control, or climb the next hill.