Skip 2 or 3 Meals And Tell Me How You Feel

Skip 2 or 3 Meals And Tell Me How You Feel by  for Modern Survival Blog

I want you to try and understand the desperation that will unfold if “the people” were to go hungry. This weekend something happened that made me think of this…

We had no breakfast (Mrs.J and I). I normally eat later in the morning (brunch) anyway, so no big deal.

We decided to do a supply run over to the town that actually has a few ‘big box’ stores to pick up a few things that we can’t find here in our local area.

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As it turns out, we were there a lot longer than anticipated as the clock ticked into the mid afternoon.

At one point, we suddenly realized that we were hungry! Really hungry! Having not eaten since the evening before, maybe 20 hours had gone by. Of course we weren’t technically starving, but when you’re really hungry you might say “I’m starving!” – that’s how we felt.

(Of course this happens on a semi-regular-random basis – as I sometimes get caught up in what I’m doing, or a project,… suddenly extra hungry since I’ve skipped a meal or two.)

It got me to thinking about “what if”. What if nearly everyone around you was really hungry! Do you realize how desperate that situation could become? (Analogous to a broad reaching SHTF event affecting distribution within our JIT system)

During the time span while I was really hungry that day, just about all I could think about was getting something to eat. Now imagine if that hunger went into day 2 without food? Talk about hungry…!

We in the modern world are so ridiculously spoiled when it comes to the availability of food. It really is a stunner to think about what might happen if the masses went without food for a day, or even two! Three? That would be insanity…

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