As Halloween Approaches, Thousands Of Witches Will Cast A “Binding Spell” On Donald Trump On October 25th

As Halloween Approaches, Thousands Of Witches Will Cast A “Binding Spell” On Donald Trump On October 25th by  for End of the American Dream

I know that the headline will sound very strange to a lot of my readers, but this is actually happening.  On October 25th at 11:59 PM, thousands of witches will simultaneously conduct a ritual which is meant to “bind” Donald Trump.  Unlike a “curse” or a “hex”, a “binding spell” is not meant to cause harm.  Rather, the witches hope to prevent President Trump from doing harm to the United States by his actions, and so they actually believe that they are doing something very positive for the country.  But a closer examination of this “binding ritual” reveals some very disturbing details.  For example, those participating in the ritual are instructed to call on “demons of the infernal realms” for help in binding Trump…

The ritual calls for the use of an unflattering photo of Trump, a tarot card, a stub of an orange candle, a pin, and a feather. Participants then call on the “heavenly hosts, demons of the infernal realms, and spirits of the ancestors” to bind Trump “so that his malignant works may fail utterly.”

So essentially there are going to be thousands of witches all over the globe seeking to interact directly with demon entities as this ritual is conducted on October 25th.

Many people may laugh at such antics, but that is only because they have never had a personal encounter with the powers of darkness.  We live in a world where the supernatural is commonplace, and the powers of darkness are very, very real.

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This kind of stuff is not something that you want to be messing around with.

“Binding spells” have been around since ancient times, and this is what the ritual’s developer has to say about this type of spell

Binding spells, or defixiones, are some of the oldest in the historical record, and are nearly universal in the world’s magical systems. In this document, binding, which seeks to restrain someone from doing harm, is differentiated from cursing or hexing, which is meant to inflict harm on the target(s). It is understood, in this context, that binding does not generate the potential negative blowback from cursing/hexing/crossing, nor does it harm the caster’s karma.

Witches began casting this type of spell on Donald Trump shortly after he was inaugurated, but now that Halloween is coming up and an impeachment inquiry has been initiated this practice is getting renewed media attention.

According to Vox, at this point there are up to 13,000 witchcraft practitioners that are involved in this movement…

Doucette — which is her married name, not her legal name — is one of the “resistance witches,” an at least 13,000-strong umbrella group of internet neo-pagans, Wiccans, solo practitioners who self-identify as “hedge witches,” longtime magical practitioners in various traditions, and committed activists. They’ve come together each month since Trump’s inauguration with one goal: to perform a spell — equal parts quasi-religious ritual and activist performance — to “bind” the president, forming a collective known as the #MagicResistance.

The spell, a variant on a traditional “binding” spell found in many contemporary neo-pagan and other occult practices, involves channeling energy to limit Trump’s power, “so that he may fail utterly/that he may do no harm.” (Practitioners have the option to add, “You’re fired.”)

Once upon a time, it was very rare to actually come across a real witch in America.

But over the past several decades, interest in witchcraft has absolutely exploded in the United States…

From 1990 to 2008, the number of individuals practicing Wicca, a form of witchcraft, increased from about 8,000 to about 340,000. In 2014, the number of Wiccans in the United States may have been as high as 1.5 million, based on a Pew survey.

As I explained in my recent article about the dangers of Halloween, one of the primary reasons why witchcraft is growing so fast is because so much has been done to normalize it in this country.

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