Angela Merkel Admits Multiculturalism Has ‘Utterly Failed’

Angela Merkel Admits Multiculturalism Has ‘Utterly Failed’ by Kurt Zindulka for Breitbart

GNN Note – There’s an old saying that you may be familiar with and it goes something like this – united we stand – divide we fall. Divide is very close to diversity and united, well, that simply means we are moving in the same direction on common ground. “Multiculturalism” is an updated version of “Cultural Marxism”.


Chancellor Angela Merkel admitted over the weekend that her efforts to manufacture a multicultural society in Germany have “utterly failed”.

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At a meeting of young members of Merkel’s Christian Democrats (CDU) party, the Chancellor said that allowing different cultures to live beside each other without integrating has not worked in Germany.

She said that too little had been asked of immigrants in the past, noting that to succeed at integrating into schools and the economy immigrants should learn German, Reuters reported.

“This (multicultural) approach has failed, utterly failed,” said the German chancellor.

An investigation last year found that Arabs and Kurds, who arrived in Germany in the 1980s as asylum seekers, have established parallel societies based on Islamic and tribal laws and traditions.

These so-called ‘clans’ systematically recruit new arrival migrants to do their “dirtiest jobs”, such as selling drugs in the parks and subways, according to Thomas Spaniel, an organised crime specialist with the Berlin police.

The shift in rhetoric from Merkel comes as she has faced increasing pressure to take a harder line on immigration.

This summer, former three-star general Joachim Wundrak criticised Merkel’s open borders policies, saying: “The protection of one’s own borders is no longer a priority goal. Germany is giving more and more sovereignty to the EU, the European Central Bank, to supranational organisations. I do not agree with this.”

Merkel’s recent comments also seemingly contradict statements she made earlier this year in defence of her open border policies during the European Migrant Crisis of 2015, which allowed more than a million migrants into the country.

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