BRAIN WAVES IN PETRI DISHES by Dr Joseph P Farrell for Giza Death Star

Every now and then, an article is shared with me that I find so disturbing that I scarcely can muster the words to blog about it, much less to record my horrified reactions with anything like accuracy or depth. Such is the case today with this little “gem” that was shared by J.T. The only words adequate to at least a part of my reaction are “I’m so glad I’m not a scientist,” because it seems as if they, as the rest of society, are going off the deep end in order to assure a nightmarish future.

What am I talking about? Scientists are growing brains in petri dishes, and have now recorded brain waves:

Brain waves detected in mini-brains grown in a dish

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Now, if you don’t find the basic idea disturbing enough, consider that the article – as most such articles in this genre usually do – gives us the “wonderful health benefits” angle potentially in store from growing pea-sized  brains in petri dishes (without the rest of the creature, of course):

Looking forward, the team aims to further improve the organoids and use them to understand diseases associated with  malfunctioning, such as autism, epilepsy, and schizophrenia.

“As a scientist, I want to get closer and closer to the ,” Muotri says. “I want to do that because I see the good in it. I can help people with neurological conditions by giving them better treatments and better quality of life. But it’s up to us to decide where the limit is.

Well, I don’t know about you, but I confess this statement of moral urgency I find a little flaccid and two-faced, because by all means let us press ahead with our research even though, deep down, we might be feeling ever-so-slightly the pangs of conscience. But regardless of your own reaction to this confession, there’s more.

The brain cells which are apparently showing brain wave activity, were grown and “stimulated” in an unusual manner:

The pea-sized brains, called , are derived from . By putting them in culture that mimics the environment of brain development, the stem  differentiate into different types of brain cells and self-organize into a 3-D structure resembling the developing human brain.

Human stem cells, huh? Gee, I wonder where and how you acquired those? In fact, when one reads through the article, it becomes even more potentially nightmarish:

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