Half of Oklahoma’s Counties Actively Working With Christian Elders to Transform the State by JESSE LEON RODGERS for Charisma News
As Christians, we can transform our government, and we are doing it in Oklahoma, where now over half the counties in our state have adopted a model in which city elders work along-side government officials.
If you are like me, you have watched the downward slide in our nation against Judeo-Christian values and felt overwhelmed at what has taken place in our courts and schools. In the last 50-plus years, we have watched the following:
June 25, 1962 in a landmark case, Engel v. Vitale, the Supreme Court decided the sanctity of prayer and the Word of God were no longer necessary or welcome in the public education system of the United States.
January 22, 1973, that same Supreme Court decided in Roe v. Wade that a child would no longer be safe in the womb of its mother.
June 26, 2015, the same Supreme Court decided in another landmark ruling of Obergefell v. Hodges that the sanctity of marriage would be removed from our courts and our laws in the United States.
California Senate SB Bill 48 targeted the purity and innocence of our children with government- mandated public-education training of our children in the history and substance of the LGBTQ community. The Illinois Legislature passed House Bill 5596 which also targeted the purity and innocence of our children in primary school by requiring the schools to teach the history of the LGBTQ community to school children to create gender confusion.
What we are seeing is social engineering and secular humanism at its best. How has this happened? Because we believed the lie that as Christians we were not to be involved in government and that pastors and Christian leaders were not allowed to speak out about these important issues. We stepped back and went silent. And this has been the result.