Better Video by Pat Barrett
All the money that the world could hold
Mountains made of solid gold
Riches that could buy my dreams
You are better than all these things
The prettiest face to turn their eyes
Beauty that could hypnotize
The open doors that looks may bring
You are better than all these things
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Your love is better than life
You are the well that won’t run dry
I have tasted, and I have seen
You are better than all these things
Power that could shake the moon
Most important one in every room
Status matched by only kings
You are better than all these things
Being liked and loved by everyone
Approval that outshines the sun
Cheered by all who think of me
You are better than all these things
I know you are better than all these things
Better than I can imagine
Over above what I see
Better than I can imagine
Your love for me