Only Two Genders: Court says transgender man who gave birth must be ‘mother’ on child’s legal documents

Only Two Genders: Court says transgender man who gave birth must be ‘mother’ on child’s legal documents by Staff writer  for Christian Today

GNN Note – We get it. We are painfully aware that a handful of people wish to change the laws of physics, biology and God. Well, they are called “laws” for a reason. They are not called, “suggestions”, “thoughts” or “maybe”. Why? Those words are not concrete enough in their absolute end. It seems, with this judge ruling in favor of reality, that maybe, just maybe we will see a swing back in the direction of truth.


A transgender man who recently gave birth has been told by a UK court that he cannot be named as the ‘father’ on his child’s legal documents.

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Freddy McConnell was born biologically female and retained his female sexual and reproductive organs, but identifies as male.

McConnell, from Kent, gave birth with the help of fertility treatment.

He sued the General Register Office, which is responsible for the registration of all births and deaths in England and Wales, after discovering that he was required to be identified as the child’s ‘mother’.

He claimed that the GRO’s policy amounted to discrimination.  However, High Court judge Sir Andrew McFarlane ruled this week that ‘mother’ was the correct legal term for someone who has given birth.

“Being a ‘mother,’ whilst hitherto always associated with being female, is the status afforded to a person who undergoes the physical and biological process of carrying a pregnancy and giving birth,” he wrote in his ruling.

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