Living On Solar: Is Ditching The Grid Realistic?

Living On Solar: Is Ditching The Grid Realistic? by: John Cagle for Off the Grid News

If you’ve ever thought about ditching the grid and living on solar power, then you’re not alone.

Questioning Your Local Power Company

Odds are that you’re living in a home right now that is tied into a nationwide network of power lines, water mains, and phone cables. Many of us depend on these things to provide services that supposedly are necessary to make our lives easier.

While services like electricity, running water, natural gas, and cable television are staples of the developed world, most Americans have unfortunately been sold a lie. The prevailing notion is that we must obtain these services from large utility companies.

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Take your local power company, for example. What exactly is wrong with questioning why you’re having to pay exorbitant amounts of money each month for services that they’ve told you that you can’t live without?

Developing Your Independence From The Shaky Power Grid

And let’s even grant that you’ve adjusted to the consistent fluctuation in energy prices on a month-to-month basis. What about your dependence on the grid to provide you and your family with the power that you need to go about your daily lives? Is it really responsible to rest your family’s well-being in the hands of a company that could turn the lights off? After all, couldn’t they do this either knowingly or unwittingly at a moment’s notice? Moreover, we haven’t even discussed the power grid’s old age and lack of dependability. Furthermore, we haven’t even brought up the fact that past reports to Congress acknowledged that the nation could suffer a nationwide blackout if just nine of the 55,000 substations failed or were sabotaged.

There are plenty of social stigmas in the U.S. today that cast a negative light on the way that some people live. Nevertheless, few things boast responsibility and independence more than a home that produces solar energy. It’s a place that is self-reliant and free from the shackles of local utility companies.

There also has never been a better time to fire your power company and go solar than right now. Living on solar may very well be the best homestead decision for you and your family that you’ll ever make.

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