How Spirit-Filled Christians Can Overcome Jezebel’s Evil Plot to Destroy America by STEPHEN STRANG for Charisma News
Something is going on in our country. It almost seems like things are spinning out of control. Christian cultural commentator Michael Brown says this is because there is a demonic plot to destroy America. In his new book, Jezebel’s War With America—which I had the privilege to publish through FrontLine—he lays out what he believes are the enemy’s strategies to undermine the United States and pull the nation further away from God.
I invited Brown onto my Strang Report podcast to discuss these demonic strategies. He says it was actually Pastor John Kilpatrick’s viral sermon that inspired him to write his new book. You may remember last year when Kilpatrick prophesied that Jezebel was coming out of the shadows to attack President Donald Trump. He called on all Christians across the nation to intercede for our president. (Click here to read and listen to my interview with Kilpatrick.)
Brown says he reached out to Kilpatrick and asked him and his church to pray over him. In turn, Kilpatrick asked Brown to speak at his church.
“As I was praying on what to speak about in October of last year—so 11 months ago—I started to look at this Jezebel thing,” Brown says. “And the dots started to connect, meaning in the Bible in the Old Testament and the New, this woman called Jezebel is associated … with certain similar characteristics. I began to look at those and then look at America today, and I said, ‘Wait a second. It’s the same demonic warfare, the same demonic powers and principalities that operated through Queen Jezebel in the Old Testament and this woman called Jezebel in the New Testament. They’re operating again today.'”