Bernie Sanders: ‘Extremely Unfair’ to Compare My Socialism to Venezuela’s

Bernie Sanders: ‘Extremely Unfair’ to Compare My Socialism to Venezuela’s by Frances Martel for Breitbart

GNN Note – Yeah, you big meanie! Stop calling theft, theft. Theft is not theft if I do it, but if you do it…well…prison!


Socialist Senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT) claimed it was “extremely unfair” to equate his radical leftist policies to those of Venezuelan dictator Nicolás Maduro during Thursday’s Democratic presidential primary debate.

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Sanders was responding to a question from moderator Jorge Ramos, a vocal opponent of the Venezuelan regime who Maduro temporarily imprisoned after disliking his questions during an interview for Univisión in February. Ramos questioned why Sanders had failed to condemn Maduro in the past and asked him to clarify in what way his embrace of socialism as a label for his personal ideology differed from the socialism that has brought Venezuelan society to a complete collapse.

“Anybody who does what Maduro does is a vicious tyrant,” Sanders responded. “What we need is international and regional cooperation for free elections in Venezuela.”

“To equate what goes on in Venezuela with what I believe is extremely unfair,” Sanders protested. Instead, he claimed that the socialism he supported was “what goes on in Canada and Scandinavia, guaranteeing healthcare to all people as a human right.”

Under Maduro, Venezuela’s constitution refers to healthcare as a “fundamental social right, an obligation of the state [to provide], as part of the right to life.” Late dictator Hugo Chávez nationalized all hospitals in 2013, the year he died and Maduro took over. Since then, Venezuelan hospitals have suffered enormous shortages in medicine and key medical equipment. As many as 85 percent of pharmacies in Venezuela have no medicine and the country faces chronic shortages of nearly every medicine on the World Health Organization’s (WHO) list of drugs necessary to run a functional healthcare system.

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