New Pro-LGBT Resource Teaches School Kids There Are ‘Over 100 Gender Identities’ by THE CHRISTIAN INSTITUTE via Charisma News
A BBC resource for children aged 9-12 claims there are over 100 “gender identities”— something that is “really exciting”.
“The Big Talk,” a series of PSHE videos made by BBC Teach, features children asking questions about sex, relationships and gender, and the answers they are given by “trusted” adults.
In Understanding Sexual and Gender Identities, the children are told that gender is “who you are inside,” but that sex is whether you are born a boy or a girl.
‘Over 100 Gender Identities’
When asked what the different gender identities are, a relationships and sex education teacher said: “There are so many gender identities.
“So we know we’ve got male and female, but there are over 100, if not more, gender identities now.”
She added: “You’ve got some people who might call themselves ‘gender queer,’ who are just like ‘I don’t really want to be anything in particular, I’m just going to be me.'”
Trans Activist
While most of the “trusted adults” were teachers, one was trans activist Leo Lardie, who was born female but is now living as if she were a man.
The children did not look comfortable as she talked about her genitalia, and explained that the only way she could be happy was to “be true about who I was, and let other people in on this.”
In response to questions about sexuality, a head teacher, who is married to someone of the same sex, suggested that you “might be gay” if you like someone of the same sex “in a slightly different way than you do normally to your friends.”
Same-Sex Parents
The video is accompanied by suggestions for discussion topics and other lesson activities.