Operation Blessing Deploys International Disaster Relief Team to Aid Devastated Bahamas

Operation Blessing Deploys International Disaster Relief Team to Aid Devastated Bahamas from CBN News

GNN Note – Please consider supporting the efforts of those actually helping in the Bahamas. If you’ve not seen the devastation it is mind boggling.

VIRGINIA BEACH, Va. – Operation Blessing, the Virginia Beach-based global humanitarian organization, is sending an international disaster relief team to Nassau, Bahamas, on Wednesday to provide emergency aid in the wake of Hurricane Dorian.

The Bahamas were devastated by 185 MPH sustained winds for several days straight. Dorian destroyed or severely damaged roughly 13,000 homes and left a still unknown number of people dead.

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Led by Diego Traverso, director of International Disaster Relief from Operation Blessing Mexico, the team of first responders is flying out of Dallas, Texas, arriving in Nassau mid-afternoon. The team includes two water treatment experts and a medical doctor.

Upon its arrival in Nassau, the Operation Blessing team meets with local strategic partners (Water Mission, Wave 4 Water, and Third Wave Volunteers) as well as emergency management officials. Once an initial assessment has been made, the team will provide basic aid focusing on clean water, medical aid, food, and shelter.

A second Operation Blessing team is expected to arrive in the Bahamas on Thursday.

Operation Blessing will initially distribute 500 solar-powered lights to promote safer shelter, 5,000 strips of Aquatabs and 200 Katadyn Gravity Filters to provide clean water. The team will also be carrying an Aquifer 360 solar-powered mobile water treatment system, an easy-to-use, lightweight, and portable device that can purify up to 15 gallons per hour (57 Liters/hour) of purified water from salty, brackish, or freshwater.

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