Prophetic Revivalist Responds to Bethel’s Controversial LGBT Post

Prophetic Revivalist Responds to Bethel’s Controversial LGBT Post by JOHN BURTON for Charisma News

GNN Note – Scripture is very, very clear on this topic and we at Gospel News Network follow scripture and do not apologize for the truth. “Hyper-love” of everything is not in scripture. If I am wrong please point out specific passages, verse and chapter.


Bethel Church has an opportunity to correct a seriously flawed post regarding LGBTQ+. They are on the clock.

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It was a day, not unlike every other day, doing what most every person on the planet does: flicking through posts on Facebook. Then, something caught my attention. I did a double-take and read it again. And again. I was shocked.

At the time of this writing, the post in question had over 2.5 thousand comments, and it seems that a large number of them voiced grief and great concern. Also at the time of this writing, clarification has not been given and the post has not been taken down nor reworded.

CHANGED, a ministry of Bethel Church in Redding, California, wrote the post and included the following statement in it:

God loves all people, LGBTQ+ and straight. The message of CHANGED has never been “All Must Change.” We share these stories specifically for Christians who are unfulfilled in identifying as LGBTQ+. For those of you who feel fulfilled and happy as you are, we love you!

Of course, this was immediately troubling to me as it seemed as if Bethel Church was moving closer to the false-grace, hyper-love philosophy that is bewitching so much of the church today. However, I wanted to give them the benefit of the doubt. I don’t believe it’s appropriate to launch into attack mode, as many of today’s “protectors of truth” tend to do. It’s important to honor even when questions and controversies arise. I am believing that Bethel Church will bring clarity to a murky and concerning situation.

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