Trump Lightening Rod of Division Sent by God – Jonathan Cahn

Trump Lightening Rod of Division Sent by God – Jonathan Cahn by Greg Hunter for USA Watchdog

Four time, best-selling author Jonathan Cahn says President Trump was put into power by divine intervention. This has happened many times before according to the Bible. Cahn contends, “Trump is following this pattern where a nation, as in ancient Israel, was about to really fall and falling away from God, he raises up an unlikely figure who is providing a window of time and holding back the flood. Trump is that person. It’s not about Trump . . . but he is now holding back, his Presidency is a window of time right now. At the same time, if he doesn’t get re-elected and Democrats get, in it’s a whole different ball game. Then that wall is going to come down and there is going to be a flood. In the time of the Trump presidency, we are watching a continual apostasy, a continual move away from God in every possible way. So, we are at a time of great polarization. The country is very divided, and Trump is a lightning rod of that division. One side will do anything they can do to get him out, and the other side is praying that he stays in.”

“Nothing is an accident,” says Cahn.   His newest, soon-to-be-released book called “The Oracle” proves the existence of God through Bible prophecy and math. Cahn goes on to say, “One of the mysteries of ‘The Oracle’ is when God does something, it is exact times, and it even involves the birth of people. So, when the first American Cyrus is in power, President Truman, God brings forth the second American Cyrus. Donald Trump was born in the reign of Truman, the first American Cyrus, and his whole life is going to be linked to it. . . .Donald Trump follows this mystery in amazing ways. . . . Trump even quoted a quote from Cyrus (of ancient Persia). Truman never recognized Jerusalem, but Cyrus did (in the ancient world), and Trump is the one who did it. So, now, Trump is the only other one just like Cyrus did. He recognizes Jerusalem just like Cyrus did. He speaks about building a house in Jerusalem, an embassy, just like Cyrus did. Cyrus spoke about building a house in Jerusalem. And to put it all together, about the hand of God in our lifetime, here’s what happens. With Cyrus, there is this 70 year mystery. . . . The Bible says, and this is about Cyrus, a king rose up and allowed the Jewish people to return from exile after 70 years. Trump gave the Declaration of Jerusalem in 2017. . . . You go back 70 years and you get to 1947, the year Israel is voted into existence, the beginning of Israel. . . . Where does the 70 year period fall to the day? It falls on December 6, 2017, which is the exact day Donald Trump issues the Declaration after 70 years, according to the mystery to the very day.”

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After the Interview:

To get a copy of Jonathan Cahn’s new book called “The Oracle,” go to To keep up with Jonathan Cahn, go to his official website is much free information and content there.

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