Media and film industry promote Satan worshipers as ‘voice of reason and humanism’ against Christians

Media and film industry promote Satan worshipers as ‘voice of reason and humanism’ against Christians from Natural News

The film industry and mainstream media are now openly promoting Satan worship as being admirable and heroic, and the documentary Hail Satan? is receiving glowing press coverage as a result.

(Article by Shane Trejo republished from

The Satanic Temple, with the assistance of lawfare from anti-Christian leftist special interest groups like the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), has re-branded itself as a religion and now are aggressively intruding on the public square.

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While Christians are told to bake cakes celebrating sodomites and hand innocent children over to degenerates against their religious beliefs, Satanists are allowed to proclaim their support for the dark lord in public spaces – as the complete inversion of the notion of religious liberty is at hand.

The Guardian honors the satanists for their “prankster sensibility” as their organization attacks the foundations of civil society, and adds to the malady of what is already the world’s most persecuted religion.

“It became very apparent that there was a real need for what we were doing,” said Lucien Greaves, who works as the Satanic Temple’s spokesman.

“More and more, they try to whittle away the rights of others and define us as a Christian nation, to the extent that religious liberty applies to them alone. That’s just a scary circumstance for us to be in,” he added.

In actuality, more “rights” are being invented out of whole cloth than ever before by liberal bureaucrats and judges at the expense of the majority. The Satanic Temple is organizing to exacerbate that process, kicking Christians while they’re down.

As usual, the Satan worshipers claim they really don’t worship the dark lord as they attempt to pull the wool over the eyes of the unsuspecting public.

“The metaphor of Satan is just as important to a lot of us as it would be to anybody who takes it literally because we grew up in a Judeo-Christian culture,” Greaves said.

“It really does speak to us in a very pointed and poignant way about our place in our culture and what our affirmative values are … and, of course, it defines what we oppose: these kinds of theocratic norms and authoritarian structures,” he added.

Greaves has made clear that his Satan-worship cult is firmly opposed to President Donald Trump, and his group is subverting his push to defend Christianity in the country that they originally made great.

“We’re obviously on the defensive now,” said Greaves, “and it’s a frightening state of affairs in the US when you have a clearly deranged theocrat like Mike Pence as vice-president and a buffoon like Trump in office, and they’re willing to pander to their evangelical nationalist base.”

He, as is typical of opponents of the President, played the victim despite his organization’s hostile assault on Christianity.

“What you don’t see,” he said, “is when I was walking up to the podium, there were a bunch of people with guns loitering about, and they wanted me to know they were there. I ended up speaking with my back to them, which was rather harrowing. I’m kind of puzzled as to why nobody did take a shot, but that was a very clear possibility.”

Hail Satan? will debut in the United Kingdom on Aug. 23, as the sick liberals of the fake news media give credit to these creeps for ” trying to stop” Trump’s dark age.

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