There has been yet another explosion at a Russian munitions plant, this time near Archangel in the arctic. But this time, there are odd reports in the western media, including reports of higher than normal background radiation accompanying the event, which may indicate that it was a nuclear event of some sort. Here’s the story from the UK Daily Mail (thanks to G.B. for pointing this out):

Siberian military base is rocked by new explosions when artillery shells detonate four days after massive blast killed one and injured 13

You’ll note that in this article, there has been another explosion at another munitions plant in Archangel. So in the space of a mere two weeks, we’ve had (1) a munitions plant near Krasnoyarsk suddenly explode, and now, (2) a munitions plant near Archangel explode. Notably, the article in the Daily Mail is writing off the latter explosion to a failed test of Russian’s new Zircon cruise missile:

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It comes after two were killed and six injured in a blast at the Nyonoksa weapons testing site in the sub-Arctic Arkhangelsk region yesterday. Moscow has thrown a veil of secrecy over the incident.

Radiation levels are said to have temporarily soared 20 times above the normal level in Severodvinsk, a city 18 miles away, sparking ‘panic’ and ‘hysteria’ and a rush to buy iodine from pharmacies.

Today, reports surfaced in Russia claiming the spike in radiation may have been caused when one of Vladimir Putin’s top secret Zircon hypersonic missiles exploded during tests.

Needless to say, I have all sorts of high octane speculations running through my head, not the least of which is the strange resemblance of these explosions to the explosions in Chinese chemical plants a few years ago. The first of those, near Tianjin, completely leveled several blocks, and left such a deep and almost conical crater, that  I and others on the internet began to question the public narrative that such a crater could result from a mere chemical explosion, which would have left a wider, and shallower crater. Some, myself included, speculated that perhaps a space-based “rod of God” technology may have been used. Such explanations for the Tianjin explosion might seem totally off the end of the twig, until one recalls that recently the cat was let out of the bag when a reporter asked the Joint Chiefs chairman if “kinetic weapons” might be an option on the table for dealing with North Korea, and the general’s response was not to deny the existence of such weapons, but rather a simple “Yes.” At the time of that strange incident, I had the distinct impression that the reporter was a plant, and had been instructed to ask the question in such a manner as if to catch the general off guard, so that he could then answer as he did, and “send the message.”  The message, of course, was “we don’t need nukes. We’ve got something much better, than doesn’t have fallout to  consider as a price for their use.”

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