What America Really Needs Is A Lot More Love by Michael Snyder for The Economic Collapse Blog
This is a very difficult article for me to write. I cannot remember a time when there was so much hatred in America. We are a deeply, deeply divided nation, and those divisions are constantly being deepened by all the strife and discord that the mainstream media, our entertainment industry and our politicians are stirring up. Because of what I do, I spend countless hours on the Internet, and everywhere I go I see hatred. There is something about this digital world that we have created that makes people feel comfortable saying things that they would never say during normal social interactions, and it is truly frightening to see what is really in people’s hearts. If we allow all of this hatred to continue to grow, it will ultimately destroy us.
A house divided will surely fall. The greatest politician that America has ever seen could come along with the greatest political plan in the history of the world, but if we can’t get along and work together, no plan is going to work. So if we insist on having a society where we all hate one another, we might as well forget about talking about solutions, because they will be useless.
That doesn’t mean that we all have to agree with one another. Today, many Americans believe that in order to “love” someone you must agree with them, but that is absolutely absurd. None of us are ever going to agree 100 percent on everything, but we can still care about one another and work with one another to make our country a better place.
Yes, I understand that there are fundamental differences on the most important issues facing our nation today, and I write about those issues all the time. And it is exceedingly important to be engaged in the battle for the direction of our nation, because if we stay on the path that we are currently on there will be no future for America. So I am definitely not saying that you shouldn’t fight for the future of our children and our grandchildren. In fact, I wish that there were millions more concerned Americans that were passionate about changing things.
And let me be very clear about the evil that permeates our society today. Right now, there are lots of people that are truly evil in positions of power, and that is a major problem. In fact, I believe that future generations will look back on this time in history with horror.
But just because there are very evil people that want to take our nation in the completely wrong direction, does that mean that we should hate them?
Of course the answer to that question should be obvious to everyone. Hatred is not the solution for hatred. The only thing that conquers hate is love, and we need to learn how to love those that disagree with us, that persecute us and that try to mistreat us.
But that is not what I see in America today, and the world of politics is a perfect example of what I am talking about. We are encouraged to pick one side or the other (even though both sides may be wrong much of the time), and then once we have picked a side we are trained to absolutely loathe those on the other side.
Just think about it. How many on the left do you think actually love Donald Trump, his family and his supporters?
Alternatively, how many on the right do you think truly love Hillary Clinton, her family and her supporters?
Once again, it is completely acceptable to criticize the ideas, policies and actions of our politicians. I do it all the time, and we need to hold all of our politicians to the same standards no matter if they are on “our team” or not.
But there is a world of difference between being critical of someone’s ideas and hating that individual.
I understand that it can be very difficult to love someone when they are contributing to the destruction of our nation, our way of life and everything that previous generations worked so hard to build. But if we ever want to have any hope of turning things around, that is what we must learn to do.