Diabetic? Eat more eggs by: Stephanie Diaz for Natural News
Many health-conscious people try to avoid eating eggs. The egg yolk, in particular, is notorious for having a high cholesterol content. It may seem logical to think that eating eggs will raise your blood cholesterol levels and therefore should be avoided. Eggs may even appear dangerous to people with diabetes who need to carefully monitor their cholesterol intake in order to reduce the risk of heart disease. However, the truth is quite different: the American Diabetes Association (ADA) actually recommends that people with diabetes add eggs to their diet. The cholesterol in eggs may even be good for their health. Indeed, a large egg a day may keep diabetes away. This article discusses how eggs fit into a diabetic person’s diet and produce highly desirable health benefits.
Eating eggs will not raise blood sugar levels
Eggs have a very low glycemic index score, meaning that consuming them has little effect on blood sugar levels. On top of that, eggs are an excellent source of protein. One egg has about seven grams of protein, and it’s filling despite being low in carbohydrates. One large egg contains less than a gram of carbs.
The findings of a study published in the Food & Function journal also reinforce the idea that eggs are good for people with diabetes. Researchers investigated the effect of daily egg consumption on individuals who are prediabetic or have Type 2 diabetes. They found that after 12 weeks of eating one large egg daily, participants showed a 4.4 percent decrease in blood glucose level. They also recorded lower insulin resistance and no changes in cholesterol levels, concluding that one large egg a day may reduce the risk of diabetes without increasing blood cholesterol.
Knowing that eating an egg a day is safe is important because adding eggs to your diet introduces a lot of health benefits.
Improve your health by eating more eggs
Nutritionally, eggs are not only rich in protein but also potassium. Potassium is known to improve nerve and muscle health and support electrolyte balance. It also contains nutrients like choline, lutein, and biotin. (Related: Research: Eggs are a great source of protein, minerals and carotenoids.)
The daily consumption of eggs is also linked to improved cognitive health, heart health, and eye health, as well as weight loss and growth and development.
- Brain health: Eggs are a rich source of choline, which is essential for cognitive health. This means regular consumption of eggs can help keep your mind sharper. Choline is essential for the production of neural pathways in the brain, keeping the brain healthy and capable of optimal cognitive function.
- Heart health: Research shows that consuming eggs can improve heart health and reduce the risk of stroke. Eggs contain “good” high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol, which helps eliminate the “bad” low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol from the body. LDL cholesterol is linked to atherosclerosis, strokes, heart attacks, and other cardiovascular diseases.
- Eye health: Eggs contain vitamin A, lutein, and zeaxanthin. These antioxidants protect the body against free radical damage that can lead to chronic diseases such as cancer and heart disease. Not only that, but they are especially beneficial to the eyes. They prevent the occurrence of cataracts and protect against vision loss caused by macular degeneration.
- Growth and development: The protein in eggs is vital to the production of cells. Protein is the building block of cell creation. Every part of the body, from the hair to organs and bones, are made from some form of protein.
- Weight loss: The protein, vitamins, and minerals found in eggs provide energy and nutrient stability for your body. Moreover, consuming eggs makes you feel full. Consequently, this prevents unnecessary snacking and keeps calorie intake down.
The nutritional benefits of eggs don’t stop here – visit Food.news to learn more.