Forced Diversity is Awesome! – Khan’s London: Afghan Migrant Asked People If They Were English, Stabbed Them If They Said Yes

Forced Diversity is Awesome! – Khan’s London: Afghan Migrant Asked People If They Were English, Stabbed Them If They Said Yes by Jack Montgomery for Breitbart

GNN Note – Open borders is a bad plan that once it begins is difficult or impossible to stop. According to John Cleese, a native Londoner, London is gone over run by muslim who are not there to assimilate to the culture but, rather, transform the culture. The same thing is happening in Germany and one could argue happening in the U.S. with central and south Americans, and now Africans, flooding in like water in a stream.


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An Afghan asylum seeker stalked random people in Croydon, south London, asking them if they were English and stabbing them if they said yes, prosecutors have claimed.

Jurors at the Old Bailey were shown CCTV footage which prosecutors said showed Samiulahaq Akbari, 32, approaching shoppers at a Tesco Extra in Thornton Heath armed with a large knife, asking them if they were English, and trying to stab them if they answered in the affirmative, The Sun reports.

Jurors were told the footage showed Akbari tapping Nicholas Speight, a complete stranger, on the shoulder and asking him for his nationality, with events “unfold[ing] with… frightening speed” after Speight gave his “fateful reply”.

Mr Speight appeared to be toppled to the floor by the attacker, but “by luck rather than any design” he was able to escape the thrust of the blade, before kicking his assailant away, regaining his feet, and making his escape.

“On that evening in January this year this defendant had set out deliberately to threaten, harm and kill members of the public by virtue of their nationality, or what Mr Akbari perceived to be their nationality — they were English,” alleged prosecutor Heidi Stonecliffe.

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