Kids Doing Chores Can Grow Up To Be More Successful According To Expert

Kids Doing Chores Can Grow Up To Be More Successful According To Expert By Mayukh Saha source – Natural Blaze

We must all have heard stories of our parents apparent struggles during their childhood when they were assigned household chores. While some of us would definitely call that bull****, the truth is a different story altogether. What the older generations took for granted, has actually gone out of favour now. You would see a kid with an iPhone, rather than a grocery list. And that has somewhat contributed to the detriment in a kid’s progress.

The former Dean of Freshmen at Stanford University, Julie Lythcott Haims believes that the correct way to nurture a child involves asking them to help with the household chores — be it taking out the garbage, or simply doing the dishes. It prepares them for life, mentioned the author of How To Raise An Adult to Tech Insider.

Her research, which has been based on the Harvard Grants Study, has found out that kids who did chores when they were young, were happier later in life, when they had to live independently. Also, they made excellent employees.

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The reason behind this is that kids who have grown up working and doing chores know how to sync into a group and make it work better.

According to Lythcott-Haims, if someone else does the work that they are supposed to, or that they should, it not only absolves them of doing the work itself, but they also get the mindset that people would work for them. It feeds into their ego, and they stop being contributing members of society.

So, sit back with a cup of tea, and ask your kids to throw out the trash.

Hey! Message me. I am Mayukh. I help people and websites with content, design and social media management. I am an avid traveler and want to go full digital nomadic by summer 2019. I am currently working on – a creative media company. You can reach out to me anytime: Read More stories by Mayukh Saha

This article was sourced from Truth Theory.

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