IRAN, RUSSIA, CHINA, AND THE SILK ROAD by Dr Joseph P Farrell for Giza Death Star

GNN Note – If you’re not familiar with the BRI (Belt and Road Initiative) previously called the New Silk Road or One Belt One Road you should study up. This global initiative, headed by China, is going to change commerce for the next 100+ years, if not permanently. It is 11 times larger than the Marshall Plan, which rebuilt Europe and Japan – 11 times larger! Click here to get started


This has been one of those weeks in which news events have overtaken my original intentions for articles to blog about. And this is one of those cases, as E.G. brought this article from Zero Hedge to my attention:

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Declassified: The Sino-Russian Masterplan To End U.S. Dominance In Middle East

In yesterday’s New’s and and Views from the Nefarium, I outlined a high octane speculation scenario concerning the recent attacks on tankers in the Persian Gulf. There’s no question that attacks occurred. The real question is, who actually did it and how was it actually done? Iran, as the US is claiming? Or is this a false flag? Was it a mine? or as the Japanese ship’s crew maintains, something that flew into the ship?

This highlights my chief and fundamental difficulty with the whole thing. My chief difficulty was, and remains, that it is highly unlikely that the Tehran regime, nutty as it is, would not very likely attack a Japanese-owned tanker while Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe is in Tehran for talks! Not since George Bush the Dumber have we seen such pressure for military intervention with so little evidence being made available to the public. In fact, while we’re on the subject, this has all the “feel” to it of the Gulf of Tonkin incident, under Lyndon Johnson, a man who reached Clintonesque levels of corruption very early in his “career”. I remember that “feel” because I was a boy at the time. If a false flag, then one could easily finger the usual suspects: the (out)House of Saud, the regime of Nuttyahoo, the Brits, the U.S.A.

But in yesterday’s New and Views I outlined a scenario that it appeared to me might be emerging, namely, the presentation of a “united Front” against Iran. The episode of Chancellorin Merkel’s “shakes”, and then her press conference in which she maintained the evidence for Iranian involvement in the attacks was “quite strong”, or words to that effect. I have to wonder if the shakes were a “message” sent to her to play along, “or else.” So, as of today, add Germany to the “list” of “powers endorsing the narrative.” Then, as I also noted yesterday, India has sent powerful elements of the Indian Navy to the Persian Gulf, so add another nuclear power to the mix in the region besides the USA.

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