Relieve Pain Fast With Easy To Use But Little Known Kitchen Remedies

Relieve Pain Fast With Easy To Use But Little Known Kitchen Remedies by: Off The Grid News

Pain, bites and injuries occur unexpectedly. Make sure that you seek out the following remedies as first aid for pain. Use them if other solutions are unavailable. Furthermore, you may find that these remedies work so well in helping relieve pain that you won’t need other healing agents.


Pantry Staples For Pain Relief

  • Vinegar provides soothing relief for a variety of maladies. My favorite vinegar to use is apple cider vinegar, but use whatever kind you have on hand. To relieve a toothache, simply swish some undiluted vinegar in your mouth and then spit it out. In addition, use vinegar as a cold compress to soothe headaches. Add vinegar to bath water to relax overworked muscles and reduce itchiness. Drink a tablespoon of diluted vinegar to quickly relieve heartburn.
  • Honey. Use honey as an antibacterial bandage to provide comfort to abraded skin. Moreover, it reduces inflammation and prevents infection.
  • Baking soda relieves inflammation, pain and the itchiness of insect stings. Make a thick paste by combining baking soda with water or honey. Apply the blend to the affected area. For occasional use of heartburn and gas, mix one-half teaspoon of baking soda with a half cup of warm water and drink it for immediate relief. Only use baking soda internally on occasion.

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Herbs And Spices Relieve Pain

  • Nutmeg relieves pain from mouth sores and toothaches. Simply sprinkle the powder on the affected area. If you suffer from sore gums, mix one-fourth of a teaspoon of powdered nutmeg with warm water. Then, swish it around in your mouth.
  • Cloves have been used by dentists to provide numbing relief of toothache pain. Sprinkle a little directly on the affected tooth and gum. Rub it in with your finger. As a bonus, cloves contain antibacterial properties which decrease inflammation and infection.

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