Why Every Single Christian Needs the Baptism in the Holy Spirit

Why Every Single Christian Needs the Baptism in the Holy Spirit by JOHN BURTON for Charisma News

Either the extreme activity of the Holy Spirit is critical to every Christian, or it is not.

I’ve resisted writing this article for a long time, as there doesn’t seem to be a way around causing a schism, or at least provoking people to pick a side. Then again, maybe this is just what we need—an honest evaluation of the value and purpose of allowing the Holy Spirit to be fully free in our lives and in our churches.

Is the movement of the Holy Spirit vital to our success as Christians? Or, can we choose to tone down the manifestations due to personal discomfort or outright disagreement over how appropriate it is?

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Amazing Cessationists

One of the reasons writing this article is such a struggle is because of how many truly amazing, godly and humble men and women of God there are who don’t affirm the gifts of the Spirit. Additionally, there are many others who affirm the gifts and activity of the Holy Spirit, but don’t emphasize them or give room for them in the church. In fact there are many “Spirit-filled” churches today that are sadly restrictive of the Holy Spirit. Yet, I’ve met so many of these pastors and leaders, and they are remarkable people.

I’m continually humbled by people like this who are lovers of God, faithful givers, students of the Word, brilliant leaders in the church and who possess truly tender hearts toward people. You won’t find any praying in tongues, deliverance of demons, mention of dreams and visions or supernatural manifestations in their ministry. However, they are feeding the poor, visiting prisoners, giving to the needy, standing for righteousness, preaching with conviction and loving those God brings across their path.

There are those who would argue that people who discount or minimize the gifts and workings of the Holy Spirit are not saved at all. While I personally feel this is a serious issue, I could never jump to such an extreme conclusion. However …

Baptism in the Holy Spirit Is Critical for All

I must admit my spirit is grieved terribly when Christians attempt to shut the Holy Spirit and his workings away.

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