How This Supernatural Anointing Can Set You Ablaze With Holy Ghost Fire from Charisma News
Anna actually encountered the Messiah, and because of this, she was overwhelmed with the desire to tell everyone looking for redemption about His arrival. Women who encounter Jesus are the greatest preachers and revivalists. Modern-day women with the Anna anointing will spend time with God face-to-face, gazing on His splendor, experiencing His glorious presence and hearing His heartbeat through prayer. Those with the Anna anointing will share the reality of Jesus’s love with fiery passion and zeal. They will be glory-carriers, women who are baptized with the Holy Ghost and fire. They will preach the gospel with signs and wonders following.
These women will have a unique anointing because they have spent countless hours with the refiner’s fire. Passion, purity and power will exude from their being. “And I will be like a wall of fire all around her, says the Lord, and I will be as glory in her midst” (Zech. 2:5). God’s presence will be with them in a tangible way, and His fire will be released through them. They will be preachers of righteousness, motivated by love and demonstrating the love of God to mankind. These women will bring deliverance and healing to those who have been ensnared by the powers of darkness.
The modern-day Anna will love the world and not condemn the world (John 3:16-17). There is a generation that is looking for redemption, and God is raising up an answer to their pain. The Lord is endowing women with miraculous power to influence human hearts for the glory of God. He releases miracles to show that He is a loving God who acts on our behalf. Supernatural healing shows God’s compassion, causing many to turn to Him. In Luke 7:16b, when Jesus raised the widow’s son from the dead, the people said, “God has visited His people.” The power of the Holy Spirit comes to encourage belief in the one true God and validate the message of the messenger. First Thessalonians 1:5-6 says, ” For our gospel did not come to you in word only, but also in power, and in the Holy Spirit, and in much assurance, just as you know what kind of men we were among you for your sake. You became followers of us and the Lord, having received the word in much affliction, with joy of the Holy Spirit.”
There are many who may never agree with women being preachers, but they won’t be able to deny the hand of the Lord resting upon our lives. God’s hand will empower us to accomplish great healings and deliverance on His behalf.