Previously Deported Sex Offenders Hiding in Migrant Groups, Say Feds

Previously Deported Sex Offenders Hiding in Migrant Groups, Say Feds by Bob Price for Breitbart

GNN Note – Part of Agenda 21 is to destroy the heritage and culture of the primarily white, Christian nations and, basically, turn the white population into a “mocha” population. Once a white person bears a child with any other race the caucasian disappears, never to return. Look at what is happening to Europe. Europe was flooded with upwards of 10 million middle eastern and north African people. Those people are already beginning to breed with the white population of Europe – either through traditional relationships or rape. It has already been determined that Germany will no longer exist by 2030, which is the main reason the German people want to deport all the African border jumpers, if the Africans are allowed to remain in the country. Think about that – Germany will no longer exist by 2030 – you know 11 years from today.


El Paso Sector Border Patrol agents arrested two previously deported sex offenders who tried to sneak back into the United States. The criminal aliens attempted to use groups of migrants crossing the border in New Mexico, officials stated.

In the early morning hours of May 2, agents patrolling the border near the Santa Teresa Port of Entry tracked down a group of migrants who illegally crossed the border. The agents tracked the group’s footprints as they attempted to disappear into the desert after crossing the border. The group consisted of two Guatemalan males and two men from China, according to information provided by El Paso Sector Border Patrol officials on May 8.

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The agents transported the migrants to the station where they underwent a biometric background investigation. The agents determined one of the men to be a previously deported illegal alien with a criminal history in Colorado. A Colorado court handed down a two-year prison sentence after the Arvada Police Department arrested the 44-year-old Guatemalan national for “first degree sexual assault.” Immigration officers deported the man following the completion of his prison term.

Agents placed the migrant in detention pending prosecution for illegal re-entry after removal as a sex offender.

Two days later, agents patrolling the bootheel region of the New Mexico border with Mexico encountered another Guatemalan man who had illegally crossed the border. The agents conducted a biometric background investigation into the history of the 36-year-old Guatemalan national. The investigation revealed an extensive criminal history.

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